What I'm Up To (The Cliffnotes Version)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Low Tolerance

I'm discovering I have a low tolerance for incompetence and sheer stupidity. Let me restate that - I'm discovering just how low my tolerance is for incompetence and stupidity. I had to let one of my employees go because he fucked up BIG. Basically he let his party ways interfere with his responsibilities. On the eve of one of the biggest sale days at the store, he decided he was going to party hard with his buddies. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to pass judgment on how you play and how hard you play on your own time. I, too, was coming to work after just 3 hours of sleep. When he parties hard, it usually translates to drinking into the not-so-wee hours of the morning (ie. it's 9am and they're still drinking). I'm sure this is what happened (he's very predictable). The problem is that we opened at 8am and he was a no-show. He was a no-show until 1pm. So we were short employees on a day we usually get slammed with customers. He actually had the audacity to ask if we were busy. On a phone call he made 3 hours after we opened. After my boss called asking for him. He was toast! And he was actually debating on whether or not he would come into work! He shows up 5 hours later thinking he still had a job. HA! What really sucked about the whole situation is that he was my right-hand man and he left me high and dry. He didn't even apologize when he came in. I guess he thought he could just slip in. Idiot! I know he's hard up for money and normally he's responsible and he's competent and he's a nice guy, but he messed up and I feel no remorse or pity. It's one thing if you don't know how to do something, not everyone can do every job. It's another thing if you're irresponsible and just too stupid for your own good. You deserve to get weeded out. Preferably out of the gene pool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the poor little baby did not know how to work hard or play hard