What I'm Up To (The Cliffnotes Version)

Monday, November 28, 2005

How To Be Single And Still Have Complications

Me: All the good guys are taken and/or married. Or gay.

D: There are probably 2 left here [in San Francisco].

Me: I think there are 2 here. One is on his way to being taken. The other has issues.

D: Of course.

So a dear friend in SF and I were commenting on our current plights. Nemesis and I have been advising her to drop problem guy like a bad crack habit. She's trying, but it's tough. Nemesis and I decided we just need to take a road trip to SF to run an intervention program on her. (Hang on, D. We're making plans.)

Our current plight is this: we are both single, fabulous women (if I do say so myself) with complicated relationships. I thought complicated relationships were reserved for those actually IN a relationship! Ours don't even come close to being a relationship. Strictly platonic. Yet somehow they've evolved into complicated relationships.

1 comment:

Joel said...

when are we going to SF?