What I'm Up To (The Cliffnotes Version)

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Back To The Rants

Ok, so I'm back to the semi-angry posts. I just have a few things to get off my chest.

1) Yesterday I was listening to a radio show that features the local arts scene. One of the artists they featured was the winner for the piano competition of a young music artist's competition. He was playing Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 and I think that's the piece he won with. At this point in their lives, the artists are quite accomplished and talented. As I was listening to him play, I started to get mad. Actually, I started getting upset within the first 3 measures. All I could think was "he won with this performance???". I spent half the drive home critiquing and mentally screaming at his performance. To my ears, it wasn't that good. There was no finesse, he steamrolled through the opening theme, his runs were muddy & he dropped some of the melody notes in the runs (among other things). I was venting to 2 of my friends last night and they both laughed at me and how upset I was getting. Very few things get me as riled up as a bad performance (music or acting). Wow, I really can be harsh.

2) This morning on NPR, they talked about the beginning of the impeachment proceedings for Philippine Pres. Arroyo. I hope it doesn't turn into another People Power event because I leave for there in 30 hours. With all the constant political upheaval & corruption, it's no wonder we don't take the government seriously. Come on, when a political nominee's biggest and ONLY advantage is the fact that they are/were a celebrity, what would you think?

3) This afternoon I read this in the LA Times. It further cemented my disdain of the colonial mentality that's still an overwhelming social factor in Asia.

Beauty and the Bleach

Sometimes my people make me so mad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

White is not always right. I am tired of people thinking that dark is bad. It is colonial and backwards. Yes one should take measures to protect the skin, but bleaching is just plain stupid.