What I'm Up To (The Cliffnotes Version)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Domestic Problems

No Coffee Left!!!!! Waaaahhh!!!!!!

Let me restate that...no GOOD coffee left!!!!

The coffee I'm referring to is the stuff that is personally hand-carried from the Philippines. This stuff (at least in our family) is worth it's weight in gold. We don't trust ANYONE with this coffee - especially our own family members! My uncle is still bugging me about the coffee I was "suppose" to have delivered to him - 3 years ago! (Nevermind that his freezer has just been restocked with a few kilos of the golden beans.)

Roomie came in this morning and asked me if we have a grinder at the house (which we don't - but I plan on rectifying that problem this afternoon). She then told me that there was ONE teaspoon of (ground) coffee left, then took cover behind the BF as I screamed and wailed. I NEED MY COFFEE!!!

Brief recap on Saturday's events.

The original plan was to meet up in the morning with a friend who I've been assisting with the Katrina relief efforts. We were going to phone some organizations in town to gather info and post them on a central message board. Instead we met with one of the city councilmen at City Hall and then proceeded to check out apartments that the city has targeted as longer-term housing options for the evacuees. The mayor's plan is to empty out the big shelters by (we think) end of next week. We then scouted out possible neutral meeting spots for a last-minute meeting between one of the mayor's staffers, one of the councilmen and heads of organizations that provide services to the various Asian communities in town. The problem that we're seeing is a lack of communication between the groups. The groups tend to be very territorial and that's causing a breakdown in communication and expeditious dissemination of information to the evacuees that are being assisted by these various groups. The big question on everyone's lips is information about FEMA - what are the aids and services FEMA will provide to the evacuees, the voucher programs FEMA will provide to evacuees and vendors who are donating their resources, etc. FEMA STILL hasn't set up shop yet here in Houston! They should be acquiring a location tomorrow. That's ridiculous!!!!

On the artistic front, we opened our show last night and it went off without a hitch. No fireworks or anything! After the theater's opening night party, my director, her husband, 2 of my actors and I went out back to BW3 to eat. The talk quickly turned to events caused my Katrina. One of my actors is currently playing host to her baby sister and her family (that consists of her sister, husband, 2 kids, 2 dogs, 1 cat and a parakeet). It's a regular zoo at her house, but she doesn't mind. In fact she's thrilled her sister is there. And relieved. The conversation then turned to the government and THAT'S when the verbal fireworks started. The actor (who's a native of New Orleans) is a staunch Republican (a rarity in my field) and my director and her husband are staunch Democrats (the norm in my field). When I left, they were still arguing about the Bush administration, the federal government, the Louisiana state government and the New Orleans municipal government. I wouldn't be surprised if they were arguing until the restaurant kicked them out at closing time.

1 positive note: the general consensus is that everyone has been impressed with Mayor Bill White's actions, both reactive and proactive. I heartily agree. He and the non-governmental organizations are at the very least steps ahead of the federal government in this situation!

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