What I'm Up To (The Cliffnotes Version)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Traditions

My mom is the WORST out of the entire family about Christmas presents. Not buying them, opening them. She wants to open them ASAP. She's worse than my (younger) cousins. The most they do is case the Christmas tree on an hourly basis. Mom, on the other hand, will pick up the presents and feel them and look for tears in the wrapper ("since it's torn, I might as well open it"). If there are no tears, she will create them. Ok, she personally won't create the tears. She enlists "help". In past years, she used our dog. She would set the present down in front of the dog and let him sniff it. He would then be overwhelmed by curiosity and start pawing at it and start to tear it open. This year, my mom has upgraded. She used her granddaughter. She didn't even have to tempt her. Unopened presents are temptation enough for Munchkin. Munchkin knows her Lola can't refuse her anything, so anytime she wants something, she immediately runs to her. Munchkin wanted to open the Christmas presents NOW. She doesn't really care too much who the present belongs to, she just wanted to open them. So Lola decided to appease her need to open presents. It seems, however, that the presents she handed to Munchkin weren't presents for Munchkin - they were my mom's presents. How convenient. My brother and I stopped the Dynamic Duo halfway through present number 2. Folks, they were attempting to open their Christmas presents TWO DAYS EARLY. It's getting worse and worse with every year.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that because Christmas is two days earlier in the Philippines than in the States?

Maybe you could arm Munchkin with a water bottle and make a game out of spraying Lola when she goes near the presents.

Debbie said...

This made me laugh!


Hank the Tank said...

My brother and older sister are like that. They would want to open them on Christmas Eve and couldn't wait until midnight. Now that we are all older..they are more patient.

Joel said...

Tell Munchie that Krampus the Christmas devil will get her if she helps her lola open presents 360.yahoo.com/jbangilan