What I'm Up To (The Cliffnotes Version)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I'm Finally Here

Finally made it into West Virginia. It was a 4 day drive, but I'm finally here! It's definitely much cooler up here. I think I may need a sweater for the evenings. (Don't hate.)

The drive through Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia was pretty. Lots of rolling hills and mountains. Now I'm in my apartment and for the most part I'm unpacked and moved in. That was my main goal for today since once we start, it'll be fast and furious. I'm sharing an apartment with 3 other girls - 2 from the costume shop and the stage manager (not mine) working the other 3 shows. I'll keep you posted on how things go, but for now, I think I'm going to take a short nap before grocery shopping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Not everyone gets a new job for their birthday. You are the recipient of a truly unique birthday present.

Morgantown is beautiful. The sun has shone there every time I've been through (which is LOTS of times). If I go to D.C. this summer I will try to swing by and maybe we can get lunch.